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Yes, you can pre-sell blocked tickets directly.
Sometimes tickets have to be blocked first, for example for special guests or internal reservations.
More information about this: 👉 What does «block tickets» mean?
If these tickets are to be pre-sold directly, you can pre-sell immediately and without any detours.
This makes the sales process simpler, faster and clearer.
You can find more details about presales and setting up your own box offices here: 👉 What does «ticket presale» mean? Are there public box offices and can I set up box offices myself?
1. Open your event cockpit and go to «Orders, cancellations».
2. Go to the «Blocked tickets» tab to see an overview of all blocked tickets.
3. Click the arrow on the right-hand side
4. Pre-sell individual tickets: Click on «Pre-sell ticket» in the respective line.
5. Pre-sell several tickets at once: Use the superordinate button «Pre-sell all».
Assign ticket categories
6. A modal opens in which you can assign the tickets to a category.
If a category is protected, the access key must be entered.
7. Click on «Add to basket» to release the tickets for presale.
Complete pre-sale
8. The successfully converted tickets will now appear in your order overview.