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On Eventfrog, the total price of a ticket is always shown including all applicable taxes and service costs. If the event organiser passes the service costs onto the ticket buyer, these costs will already be included in the price shown. The info icon next to the price transparently displays the original ticket price set by the event organiser. This gives ticket buyers a clear overview of the pricing and allows them to see the final price they will pay.
An example of pricing on Eventfrog with service fees passed on to ticket buyers:
Legal basis
This procedure is based on the Price Labelling Act (PrAG), which stipulates clear and transparent final price information for consumers.
According to Section 9 of the Price Labelling Act (PrAG), the total price must include all mandatory costs, such as taxes and surcharges that cannot be freely selected.
Important aspects of the price indication regulations:
What does this mean for event organisers?
As an event organiser, you first set your preferred ticket price on Eventfrog. You can decide whether the service costs should be passed on to the ticket buyers. Eventfrog then ensures that the legally required total price is displayed correctly and transparently. This gives both you as the event organiser and your ticket buyers a clear and comprehensive price structure.