


Neurodivergent Cook & Dine

Neurodivergent Cook & Dine GZ Oerlikon, Gubelstrasse 10, 8050 Zürich Tickets
GZ Oerlikon, Zürich (CH)

Wir laden dich zu einem gemütlichen Koch- & Ess-Event ein! Wir bringen 4–5 Rezepte und die passenden Zutaten mit. Zum Kochen teilen wir uns in kleine Gruppen auf, und am Ende essen wir alle gemeinsam.

Grober Zeitplan
18.00 Willkommen & Einführung
18.30 Kochen in kleineren Gruppen & Apéro
19.30 Gemeinsames Essen
21.00 Aufräumen, Verabschiedung

Dieser Event wird organisiert vom Verein Neurodivergent Zürich und mitgetragen von Migros-Engagement

We're inviting you to a cozy cook & dine event. We'll bring 4-5 recipies and corresponding ingredients. For the cooking, we'll split into smaller groups and in the end we'll eat all together.

Rough schedule
18.00 Welcome & Intro
18.30 Cooking the dishes in smaller groups & apéro
19.30 Eating together
21.00 Cleaning up, goodbye

This event is organized by the Neurodivergent Zürich association and supported by Migros-Engagement

Event organiser

Verein Neurodivergent Zürich


Sale ends on Friday, 25.04.2025 21:00

Kochen & Essen (Cooking & Dinner)

16.00 CHF

Kochen & Essen (Cooking & Dinner), für finanziell Benachteiligte, for financially disadvantaged

8.00 CHF

Prices incl. taxes

Total: XX.XX CHF
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Tickets are also available at our Box offices.

Box offices

Tickets for this event can be found at the following box offices:

Total: XX.XX CHF

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Please select tickets from a ticket category first
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GZ Oerlikon, Gubelstrasse 10, Zürich, CH

Event organiser

Neurodivergent Cook & Dine is organised by:

Verein Neurodivergent Zürich

Category: Eating & Drinking