

20.12. - 21.12.

Blanco Winter no.1

Blanco Winter no.1 Del Vino Poppenbüttel, Heegbarg 34A, 22391 Hamburg Tickets

Credits: Henry von Kap-herr

Del Vino Poppenbüttel, Hamburg (DE)

Das Winterevent im Del Vino ist für alle Gäste über 16 Jahren (AGBs lesen!)  die Lust auf Party haben. Am 20.12 ab 22 Uhr öffnet das Del Vino die Türen. 

The event starts in
2 Days
12 h
48 min
34 s

Event organiser

Event organiser of Blanco Winter no.1

Henry von Kap-herr


Sale ends on Friday, 20.12.2024 18:00

Vorverkauf Ticket Normal


Vorverkauf Ticket Normal, VIP quick access


Prices incl. taxes plus service costs

Total: XX.XX
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Please select tickets from a ticket category first
Please select tickets from a ticket category first

Total: XX.XX

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Please select tickets from a ticket category first
Please select tickets from a ticket category first



Del Vino Poppenbüttel, Heegbarg 34A, Hamburg, DE

Event links

Event organiser

Blanco Winter no.1 is organised by:

Henry von Kap-herr

Category: Party / Disco