


50 Jahre Wirtschaftsschule Deggendorf

50 Jahre Wirtschaftsschule Deggendorf Stadthalle Deggendorf, Edlmairstraße 2, 94469 Deggendorf Tickets

Credits: Dagmar Pleintinger

Jubiläumsball zur Feier des 50-jährigen Bestehens der Staatlichen Wirtschaftsschule Deggendorf

Event organiser

Staatliche Wirtschaftsschule Deggendorf


Sale ends on Friday, 23.05.2025 00:00


19.89 €
The price shown is the total amount to be paid (including taxes and service costs). Ticket price set by the organiser: € 18.

Eintritt + Buffet (verfügbar bis 16. Mai)

50.24 €
The price shown is the total amount to be paid (including taxes and service costs). Ticket price set by the organiser: € 47.

Buffet (Eintrittskarte muss vorhanden sein!) (bis 16. Mai)

31.40 €
The price shown is the total amount to be paid (including taxes and service costs). Ticket price set by the organiser: € 29.

Prices incl. taxes incl. transaction costs

Total: XX.XX
Please select tickets from a ticket category first
Please select tickets from a ticket category first
Please select tickets from a ticket category first

Total: XX.XX

Please select tickets from a ticket category first
Please select tickets from a ticket category first
Please select tickets from a ticket category first



Stadthalle Deggendorf, Edlmairstraße 2, Deggendorf, DE

Event links

Event organiser

50 Jahre Wirtschaftsschule Deggendorf is organised by:

Staatliche Wirtschaftsschule Deggendorf