



"WOMEN'S HEALING CIRCLE" BE:LIFE Studio, Klosbachstr. 3, 8032 Zürich Tickets

Credits: Cindy

BE:LIFE Studio, Zürich (CH)

Connect – Honor – Release - Celebrate with CIndy Graf

What is a woman's circle?

Women of all ages, backgrounds, and walks of life come together in a safe and supportive environment. It is a private space where we can share our successes, fears, and struggles.


Intention setting.

Somatic movement/ All ages light workout

Frequency calibration.

Healing breath-work movements

Cacao ceremony.

Trauma Release Meditation.

Happiness High vibrational Soul Dance

Closing circle.

Feeling integrated in a community can significantly improve mental health, motivate people, and give them a sense of belonging.

Feeling validated, valued, and connected can also seriously boost confidence.

So, if you're looking to release stress, increase self-esteem, build your community, or all three, we see you on Saturday.


A side NOTE:

On Sunday 20th of October. We have the “Mixed Gender Circle Workshop” too. Same place, same time…

Be Life Studio in Zurich

10:00 – 13:00 or 14:00 – 17:00

Connect – Honor – Release - Celebrate with your spouse, partner, boyfriend, or male friend. See you on Sunday!

And remember, “The only person you are destined to become, is the person you decide to be. Everything you ever wanted, is on the other side of fear”.



Conecta – Honra –


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Connect – Honor – Release - Celebrate with CIndy Graf

What is a woman's circle?

Women of all ages, backgrounds, and walks of life come together in a safe and supportive environment. It is a private space where we can share our successes, fears, and struggles.


Intention setting.

Somatic movement/ All ages light workout

Frequency calibration.

Healing breath-work movements

Cacao ceremony.

Trauma Release Meditation.

Happiness High vibrational Soul Dance

Closing circle.

Feeling integrated in a community can significantly improve mental health, motivate people, and give them a sense of belonging.

Feeling validated, valued, and connected can also seriously boost confidence.

So, if you're looking to release stress, increase self-esteem, build your community, or all three, we see you on Saturday.


A side NOTE:

On Sunday 20th of October. We have the “Mixed Gender Circle Workshop” too. Same place, same time…

Be Life Studio in Zurich

10:00 – 13:00 or 14:00 – 17:00

Connect – Honor – Release - Celebrate with your spouse, partner, boyfriend, or male friend. See you on Sunday!

And remember, “The only person you are destined to become, is the person you decide to be. Everything you ever wanted, is on the other side of fear”.



Conecta – Honra – Libera – Celebra

¿Qué es un círculo de mujeres?

Mujeres de todas las edades, orígenes y estilos de vida se reúnen en un entorno seguro y de apoyo. Es un espacio privado donde podemos compartir nuestros éxitos, miedos y luchas.


Establecimiento de intenciones.

Movimiento somático / Entrenamiento ligero para todas las edades

Calibración de frecuencia.

Movimientos de respiración curativos

Ceremonia del cacao.

Meditación de liberación del trauma.

Danza del alma de alta vibración de la felicidad

Círculo de cierre.

Sentirse integrado en una comunidad puede mejorar significativamente la salud mental, motivar a las personas y darles un sentido de pertenencia.

Sentirse validado, valorado y conectado también puede aumentar seriamente la confianza.

Entonces, si estás buscando liberar estrés, aumentar la autoestima, construir tu comunidad o las tres cosas, te vemos el sábado.


NOTA: El domingo 20 de octubre también tenemos el “Taller de círculo GENERO MIXTO”. ¡Hombres y Mujeres juntos!

Mismo lugar, misma hora…

Be Life Studio en Zurich

10:00 – 13:00 o 14:00 – 17:00

Conecta – Honra – Libera – Celebra con tu cónyuge, pareja, novio o amigo. ¡Nos vemos el domingo!

Y recuerda, “La única persona en la que estás destinado a convertirte es la persona que decides ser. Todo lo que siempre quisiste, está al otro lado del miedo”.

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The event starts in
0 Days
20 h
39 min
1 s

Event organiser

Wellness Workshops


RSVP via WhatsApp txt at +41 76 232 1195

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Total: XX.XX CHF



BE:LIFE Studio, Klosbachstr. 3, Zürich, CH

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