

13.12. - 15.12.

Trancestors - on the paths of our queer trailblazers

Trancestors - on the paths of our queer trailblazers Zentralwäscherei Tickets
Start: Different times
Zentralwäscherei, Zürich (CH)

Trancestors - auf den Pfaden unserer queeren Wegebereiter*innen beschwört unsere queeren Vorfahren in einem Performanceritual herauf. Das Tanzstück, welches das 50-jährige Bestehen der wegweisenden “Gay Power”-Rede von Trans-Aktivistin Sylvia Rivera in New York zum Anlass nimmt würdigt nicht nur die aktivistischen Bewegungen rund um die Stonewall-Aufbegehren, sondern auch die Schweizer LGBTIQ-Geschichte, insbesondere der trans*-Ikone Coco. Zusammen mit Aaa Biczysko und Musik von Lou Drago fängt Trancestors die rohe Energie des heiligen Widerstands ein.

Choreography/Performance JULES P. FRICKER
Performance AAA BICZYSKO


TRANCESTORS evokes our queer trailblazers in a performance ritual. This dance piece marks the 50th anniversary of trans activist Sylvia Rivera's groundbreaking "Gay Power" speech in New York, paying tribute not only to the activist movements surrounding the Stonewall uprisings, but also to Swiss LGBTIQ history, in particular the trans* icon Coco. Together with Aaa Biczysko and music by Lou Drago, TRANCESTORS captures the raw energy of sacred resistance.

Choreography/Performance JULES P. FRICKER
Performance AAA BICZYSKO

Name Date / time Location
Trancestors - on the paths of our queer trailblazers ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Trancestors - on the paths of our queer trailblazers Friday, 13.12.2024, 19:30 Zentralwäscherei, 8005 Zürich, CH Tickets
Trancestors - on the paths of our queer trailblazers ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Trancestors - on the paths of our queer trailblazers Saturday, 14.12.2024, 19:30 Zentralwäscherei, 8005 Zürich, CH Tickets
Trancestors - on the paths of our queer trailblazers ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Trancestors - on the paths of our queer trailblazers Sunday, 15.12.2024, 18:00 Zentralwäscherei, 8005 Zürich, CH Tickets

Ticket status:

Small amount available Few tickets available

Sold out No tickets available

Starts later Sales start later