


NIRVRITHI - Unfolding of bliss

NIRVRITHI - Unfolding of bliss GZ Hirzenbach, Großer Saal, Helen-Keller-Strasse 55, 8051 Zürich Tickets

Credits: Insta

GZ Hirzenbach, Großer Saal, Zürich (CH)

Nirvrithi  is a state of inexplicable ecstasy. Through the medium of Bharatanatyam, Shijith N Parvathy take you on a journey in pursuit of this eternal bliss, the ultimate experience.
In Bharatanatyam, the Margam is a path that unravels a seeking. Through this path the dancer attains Nirvrithi. The concept of Sat - Chit - Ānanda described in the central piece of the performance is what 
Shijith N Parvathy through their conceptual choreographic Margam take you to experience. Nirvrithi is woven from manifested inner thoughts to stimulate the body, mind and soul. For Shijith N Parvathy, Bharatanatyam is a spiritual recourse and Nirvrithi is their experience.


Veranstalter:in von NIRVRITHI - Unfolding of bliss

Dhiviyaa Satkunanathan


Online-Verkauf endet am Sonntag, 08.06.2025 19:00

Single Ticket

35.00 CHF

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Total: XX.XX CHF
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Total: XX.XX CHF

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GZ Hirzenbach, Großer Saal, Helen-Keller-Strasse 55, Zürich, CH


NIRVRITHI - Unfolding of bliss wird organisiert durch:

Dhiviyaa Satkunanathan