Join this party from 3 PM to 6 AM for 15 hours of non-stop progressive and psy trance music.
For the first time the venue will experiment with an indoor day dance (winter edition). Besides the music, you will find decorations, a laser show, food trucks, and a mini hippy market in a covered and heated outdoor space.
PHAXE (Spin Twind Records)
EMOK (Iboga Records)
ZORA (Spin Twind Records)
AKUSTIK (Spin Twind Records)
BEAT HERREN (Friday Proggie)
AMBIENT PINO (Tribe of Us)
ALISON (Razz Fazz)
- Age 21+
- Drinks & Food, Mini Hippy Market
- Deco by BlackLightIlluminatis
- Light & Laser Show by Alte Kaserne Team