


Creativity workshop - Abstract painting

Creativity workshop - Abstract painting Alejandra's art studio, Zypressenstrasse 60, 8004 Zürich Tickets

Credits: Alejandra Abad

Alejandra's art studio, Zürich (CH)

"No matter what your age or your life path, whether making art is your career or your hobby or your dream, it is not too late or too egotistical or too selfish or too silly to work on your creativity". - Julia Cameron, The Artist's Way 

You are welcome to join a creativity workshop guided by artist Alejandra Abad

🎨 Unleash your creative self and paint an abstract painting with acryl colors 
💫 Connect with yourself, your partner, friends and colleagues in a fun and playful way
⏳️ 2.5 hours workshop 
👩🏽‍🎨 CHF 75.00 per person (max. 4 participants) 

Please contact alejandra.abad.art@gmail.com for more information. 

Check out more information about the artist on alejandraabad.com or follow on Instagram: alejandra.abad.art



Veranstalter:in von Creativity workshop - Abstract painting

Alejandra Abad


Online-Verkauf endet am Mittwoch, 23.04.2025 20:45

Creativity workshop

Nur noch 4 Tickets verfügbar
75.00 CHF

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Alejandra's art studio, Zypressenstrasse 60, Zürich, CH


Creativity workshop - Abstract painting wird organisiert durch:

Alejandra Abad