


RANI – Special Movie Premiere in Düsseldorf Sinhala Film

RANI – Special Movie Premiere in Düsseldorf  Sinhala Film UFA Palast , Worringer Straße 142, 40210 Düsseldorf Tickets

Credits: German Lanka Entertainment

UFA Palast , Düsseldorf (DE)

Experience the German premiere of RANI, the critically acclaimed Sinhala film by Asoka Handagama, starring the legendary Swarna Mallawarachchi. This powerful drama is inspired by the true story of Dr. Manorani Saravanamuttu, a mother’s relentless pursuit of justice after her son’s tragic abduction and murder.

The film has made history in Sri Lanka, earning praise for its gripping storytelling and outstanding performances. Now, you have the exclusive chance to watch it on the big screen in Düsseldorf!

📅 Date: Sunday, 6th April 2025
Time: 11:00 AM
📍 Venue: UFA-Palast Düsseldorf (Worringer Str. 142, 40210 Düsseldorf)
🎟 Tickets: €15

This is a one-time special screening—don't miss your opportunity to experience one of the most talked-about Sri Lankan films of the year!

🔗 Get your tickets now on Eventfrog.de

📞 Contact for inquiries:
+49 152 02126655 / +49 151 40546769
📧 germanlankaent@gmx.de

#RaniTheMovie #SriLankanCinema #DüsseldorfScreening #GermanLankaEntertainment


Veranstalter:in von RANI – Special Movie Premiere in Düsseldorf  Sinhala Film

German Lanka Entertainment


Online-Verkauf endet am Sonntag, 06.04.2025 14:00

Standard Ticket

15.57 €
Der angezeigte Preis ist der zu zahlende Gesamtbetrag (inkl. Steuern und Servicekosten). Von der Veranstalter:in festgelegter Ticketpreis: € 15.

Preise inkl. Steuern inkl. Servicekosten

Total: XX.XX
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Bitte wähle zuerst Tickets einer Ticketkategorie aus
Bitte wähle zuerst Tickets einer Ticketkategorie aus

Total: XX.XX

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Bitte wähle zuerst Tickets einer Ticketkategorie aus
Bitte wähle zuerst Tickets einer Ticketkategorie aus



UFA Palast , Worringer Straße 142, Düsseldorf, DE


RANI – Special Movie Premiere in Düsseldorf Sinhala Film wird organisiert durch:

German Lanka Entertainment